Entering the competitive world of Amazon as a third-party seller can be daunting. One of the most effective tools at your disposal for driving sales and increasing visibility is Amazon’s Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Specifically, Amazon’s automatic targeting feature in PPC campaigns offers a user-friendly way for newcomers to navigate the complexities of advertising without needing to be experts in keyword strategies. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of using Amazon’s automatic targeting, helping you to optimize your advertising efforts from the get-go.

What is Amazon’s Automatic Targeting?

Automatic targeting is a feature offered by Amazon for its Sponsored Products ad campaigns. When you set up an automatic targeting campaign, Amazon’s algorithms select the keywords and shopper searches your ad will match based on the information in your product listings. This feature is ideal for those who may not have the time or expertise to conduct thorough keyword research.

Benefits of Automatic Targeting for New Sellers

  • Simplicity: Automatic targeting removes the complexity of choosing and managing keywords, making it easier for beginners to start advertising.
  • Discovery: It allows sellers to discover which keywords lead to sales, providing valuable insights for future targeted campaigns.
  • Time-Saving: Saves significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent on keyword research and campaign management.

Setting Up Your First Automatic Campaign

Starting your first campaign with Amazon’s automatic targeting can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Product Selection: Choose the products you want to advertise. It’s wise to start with your best-selling or most competitively priced items.
  2. Campaign Settings: Log into your Seller Central account and navigate to the campaign manager to create a new campaign. Select ‘Automatic Targeting’ for your campaign type.
  3. Budget and Bids: Set your daily budget and default bid. Amazon will provide a suggested bid which is a good starting point. It’s recommended to start with a modest budget until you understand how the campaigns perform.
  4. Campaign Duration: Decide on the length of your campaign. You can opt for a continuous campaign or set specific start and end dates.

Monitoring and Optimizing Your Campaign

After your campaign is up and running, monitoring and optimization become key:

  • Check Regularly: Review your campaign’s performance at least once a week. Amazon provides a range of metrics, such as impressions, clicks, spend, sales, and ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale).
  • Understand the Metrics: Knowing what each metric tells you about your campaign will help you make informed decisions. For instance, a high ACoS might indicate your bid is too high, or the product may not be competitive enough.
  • Adjust Your Bids: If you’re spending too much without seeing corresponding sales, consider lowering your bids. Conversely, if you see good sales at a low ACoS, you might increase your bid to capitalize on the product’s popularity.
  • Refine Your Listings: The effectiveness of automatic targeting heavily relies on the quality of your product listings. Ensure your listings are complete with high-quality images, detailed and keyword-rich descriptions, and accurate categorizations.

Advanced Tips for Better Results

As you become more comfortable with Amazon’s advertising tools, consider these advanced strategies:

  • Leverage the Data: Use the search terms report to find out which keywords generated sales. This data can be invaluable when you transition to manual campaigns or need to refine your product listings.
  • Hybrid Approach: Once you have gathered enough data from automatic campaigns, start testing manual campaigns alongside them. This can help you optimize your advertising efforts based on the precise keywords that have proven successful.
  • Continuous Learning: The landscape of Amazon is always evolving. Stay updated on the latest tools and techniques by participating in webinars, reading updated guides, and testing new strategies.


Amazon’s automatic targeting is a powerful tool for third-party sellers who are new to the platform. It provides a low-barrier entry to advertising, helping you gather valuable data and insights that can inform more complex strategies down the line. By starting with automatic targeting, you can gradually build your confidence and expertise in Amazon’s advertising ecosystem, leading to more controlled, effective campaigns and, ultimately, greater success on the platform.

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