Case Study
Fashion Jewelry Retailer
How a 100+ Retail Store Jewelry Brand was able to launch on with over 15000 new SKUs each quarter with Marketplace Valet

About the project
Marketplace Valet partnered with this specialized fast fashion Jewelry Retailer to manage and optimize their business.
The Jewelry Brand specializes in brick-and-mortar retail. While they had a website, their e-commerce revenues only represented less than 5% of total sales. They had never listed their products on Amazon before. With an active catalog of over 15000 SKUs, and roughly 15000 new SKUs launching each season, the Brand didn’t know how to get their business launched on Amazon without a significant capital investment.
Proposed Solution
Large catalogs of small items can rack up 10’s of thousands per month in storage charges. One creative way that Marketplace Valet helped the brand manage their stock was by co-mingling stock (similar to Amazon’s approach) and establishing storage caps. This helped the brand better manage overhead. In addition, Marketplace Valet would use its in-house proprietary system for listing creation and optimization; so we could take a systematic approach to get all 15000 SKUs listed immediately and be ready for the new batches each quarter with minimal processing times. By using some creative fee structures, with a monthly minimum structure, we were able to offer a full-service solution that was almost entirely a percentage of the sales model for the brand.
The Brand was able to save hundreds of thousands in warehousing costs with our creative contract structure. In addition, the brand was able to successfully get its complete catalog listed on Amazon, presenting a new sales channel for the brand and assisting in its continued retail footprint expansion.
By creatively partnering with Marketplace Valet, the brand was able to avoid hefty upfront listing creation expenses. In addition, the brand was able to achieve a nearly variable expense for the full-service option tied to a percentage of sales, since we could establish a monthly minimum.
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