As a third-party seller on Amazon, standing out in the crowded marketplace can be a daunting challenge. With millions of products competing for attention, mastering Amazon advertising has become an essential skill for success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best practices for Amazon advertising that can help you boost your visibility, increase sales, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

At Marketplace Valet, we understand the intricacies of Amazon’s advertising ecosystem and have helped countless sellers navigate this complex landscape. Whether you’re new to Amazon advertising or looking to refine your existing strategies, this guide will provide you with actionable insights to elevate your advertising game.

  1. Understanding Amazon’s Advertising Options:

Before diving into best practices, it’s crucial to understand the different advertising options available to third-party sellers on Amazon:

a) Sponsored Products: These are keyword-targeted ads that appear in search results and on product detail pages.

b) Sponsored Brands: Formerly known as Headline Search Ads, these appear at the top of search results and feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products.

c) Sponsored Display: These ads appear both on and off Amazon, targeting shoppers who have viewed similar products or categories.

d) Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform): This advanced option allows for programmatic advertising across Amazon’s owned and operated sites, as well as third-party exchanges.

  1. Setting Clear Advertising Goals:

The foundation of any successful Amazon advertising strategy is setting clear, measurable goals. Common objectives include:

  • Increasing sales volume
  • Improving product visibility
  • Boosting brand awareness
  • Launching new products
  • Clearing excess inventory

Your goals will influence your choice of ad types, targeting strategies, and budget allocation. For instance, if you’re launching a new product, you might focus on Sponsored Products to drive initial sales and reviews.

  1. Optimizing Your Product Listings:

Before investing in advertising, ensure your product listings are fully optimized. This includes:

  • High-quality images
  • Compelling titles with relevant keywords
  • Detailed bullet points highlighting key features and benefits
  • Comprehensive product descriptions
  • Accurate and competitive pricing

Well-optimized listings not only improve your organic search rankings but also enhance the performance of your ads by increasing click-through and conversion rates.

  1. Keyword Research and Targeting:

Effective keyword targeting is crucial for the success of your Amazon advertising campaigns. Here are some best practices:

a) Use Amazon’s Search Term Report: This report shows which customer search terms have triggered your ads, helping you identify high-performing keywords.

b) Leverage automatic campaigns: Start with automatic targeting to discover relevant keywords, then use this data to refine your manual campaigns.

c) Implement a mix of match types: Use broad, phrase, and exact match types to balance reach and precision in your targeting.

d) Consider long-tail keywords: These specific phrases often have lower competition and can lead to higher conversion rates.

e) Utilize negative keywords: Exclude irrelevant search terms to prevent wasted ad spend and improve campaign efficiency.

  1. Structuring Your Campaigns:

Proper campaign structure is essential for maintaining organization and optimizing performance:

a) Group similar products: Create separate campaigns or ad groups for products with similar characteristics or target audiences.

b) Align keywords with products: Ensure that the keywords in each ad group are highly relevant to the associated products.

c) Use a consistent naming convention: This helps with quick identification and analysis of your campaigns.

d) Consider creating separate campaigns for branded and non-branded keywords to better control budgets and track performance.

  1. Bidding Strategies:

Effective bidding is crucial for maximizing your advertising ROI:

a) Start conservative: Begin with lower bids and gradually increase them based on performance data.

b) Use bid adjustments: Increase bids for high-performing keywords and placements, and decrease for underperforming ones.

c) Implement dayparting: Adjust bids based on the time of day or day of the week when your ads perform best.

d) Leverage automated bidding: Consider using Amazon’s dynamic bidding options to automatically adjust bids based on the likelihood of conversion.

  1. Budget Management:

Proper budget allocation and management are key to sustainable advertising success:

a) Set realistic budgets: Allocate enough budget to gather meaningful data without overspending.

b) Monitor daily spend: Regularly check your campaigns to ensure they’re not running out of budget too early in the day.

c) Adjust budgets based on performance: Allocate more budget to high-performing campaigns and reduce spend on underperforming ones.

d) Consider seasonality: Increase budgets during peak shopping seasons or for seasonal products.

  1. Ad Creative Best Practices:

Compelling ad creative can significantly impact your click-through and conversion rates:

a) Use high-quality images: Ensure your product images are clear, professional, and showcase your product’s best features.

b) Write compelling ad copy: Highlight unique selling points, address customer pain points, and include a clear call-to-action.

c) A/B test your ads: Experiment with different images, headlines, and ad copy to identify what resonates best with your target audience.

d) Leverage enhanced brand content: If eligible, use Sponsored Brands video ads to showcase your product in action.

  1. Monitoring and Optimizing Performance:

Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial for long-term success:

a) Regularly review key metrics: Pay attention to impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, advertising cost of sales (ACoS), and return on ad spend (ROAS).

b) Use Amazon’s attribution tools: Understand how your ads are contributing to overall sales, including view-through conversions.

c) Optimize based on data: Make data-driven decisions to refine your targeting, adjust bids, and allocate budget more effectively.

d) Stay up-to-date with Amazon’s changes: The platform frequently updates its advertising features and best practices, so stay informed to maintain a competitive edge.

  1. Advanced Strategies:

As you become more comfortable with Amazon advertising, consider these advanced strategies:

a) Implement a full-funnel approach: Use different ad types to target customers at various stages of the buying journey.

b) Leverage Amazon’s audience targeting options: Use in-market audiences, lifestyle targeting, and remarketing to reach highly relevant shoppers.

c) Explore Amazon DSP: For larger budgets, consider using Amazon’s demand-side platform for more sophisticated targeting and reach.

d) Integrate with external marketing efforts: Align your Amazon advertising strategy with your overall marketing plan for a cohesive brand experience.

  1. Common Pitfalls to Avoid:

Be aware of these common mistakes that can hinder your advertising success:

a) Neglecting negative keywords: Failing to use negative keywords can lead to wasted ad spend on irrelevant searches.

b) Ignoring mobile optimization: With a significant portion of Amazon traffic coming from mobile devices, ensure your listings and ads are mobile-friendly.

c) Over-relying on automatic campaigns: While useful for keyword discovery, automatic campaigns should be complemented by refined manual campaigns for optimal performance.

d) Neglecting to adjust bids and budgets: Set-it-and-forget-it approaches rarely yield the best results in the dynamic Amazon marketplace.


Mastering Amazon advertising as a third-party seller requires a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and staying abreast of platform changes. By following these best practices, you can create effective advertising campaigns that drive visibility, sales, and long-term success on Amazon.

At Marketplace Valet, we’re committed to helping sellers navigate the complexities of Amazon advertising. Remember, successful advertising is an ongoing process of testing, learning, and refining. Stay patient, be willing to experiment, and always keep your ultimate business goals in sight.

Are you ready to take your Amazon advertising to the next level? Contact Marketplace Valet today for personalized strategies tailored to your unique products and business goals. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential on the world’s largest e-commerce platform!

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