For third-party sellers on Amazon, mastering Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) is pivotal in ensuring that your advertising spend is not only economical but also effective in driving sales. This detailed guide will explore practical strategies to improve ACoS, helping beginner sellers on Amazon enhance their advertising performance and overall profitability.

What is ACoS?

ACoS stands for Advertising Cost of Sale, a metric used on Amazon to measure the efficiency of an advertising campaign. It is expressed as a percentage and calculated by dividing the total spend on a particular ad campaign by the revenue generated from that campaign. A lower ACoS indicates a more cost-effective campaign, where you spend less to earn a sale.

Why Focus on ACoS?

Focusing on ACoS is crucial because it directly impacts your profitability. It helps you understand whether the money you’re investing in advertising is translating into enough sales to justify the expenditure. For new sellers, managing ACoS efficiently can be the difference between a thriving online business and one that struggles to maintain profitability.

Strategies to Improve ACoS for Amazon Sellers

1. Keyword Optimization

Keywords are the cornerstone of any successful Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) campaign. The right keywords can attract more relevant traffic, leading to higher conversion rates and lower ACoS.

  • Use Keyword Research Tools: Tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Ahrefs provide insights into which keywords are most effective in your niche.
  • Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: These are less competitive and more specific, often leading to better conversion rates because they target consumers closer to a purchase decision.
  • Regularly Refine Keywords: Continuously analyze the performance of your keywords and remove those that generate high spend without corresponding sales.

2. Enhance Product Listings

Your product listings directly influence your conversion rates. Optimized listings with clear, high-quality images, detailed and engaging product descriptions, and accurate feature bullets are more likely to convert viewers into buyers, effectively reducing your ACoS.

  • Optimize Product Titles: Include relevant keywords within the first 80 characters of your product titles.
  • Leverage High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images that showcase your product from various angles.
  • Feature Benefits in Bullet Points: Highlight the key benefits and features of your product to convince potential buyers of its value.

3. Adjust Bidding Strategies

Bidding too high can quickly deplete your advertising budget, while bidding too low might render your ads invisible.

  • Dynamic Bidding: Use Amazon’s dynamic bidding strategies where bids are adjusted in real-time based on the likelihood of conversion.
  • Set Bid Caps: Determine the maximum bid you are willing to pay for each keyword and adjust based on the performance data.
  • Consider Dayparting: Adjust your bids based on time-of-day and day-of-week performance if certain periods show better conversion rates.

4. Monitor and Optimize Campaigns Regularly

Regular monitoring and optimization of your PPC campaigns are essential in maintaining an efficient ACoS.

  • Use ACoS as a Guide: Regularly review your campaign ACoS to identify campaigns that are underperforming and understand why.
  • Adjust Campaigns Based on Data: Use data from Amazon’s campaign manager to make informed decisions about pausing underperforming ads, adjusting budgets, and refining targeting.
  • Test Different Approaches: A/B testing different aspects of your ads, such as different images or copy, can provide valuable insights into what changes might lead to better performance.


Improving your ACoS on Amazon is not a one-time task but a continuous process that involves constant learning, testing, and adapting. For beginner third-party sellers, starting with a solid understanding of PPC fundamentals and gradually experimenting with advanced strategies can pave the way for sustained success and profitability. By implementing these practical steps, you can ensure that your Amazon advertising efforts are both effective and efficient, leading to lower costs and higher returns on your investment.

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