How to Use Amazon Advertising for Sales Growth as a Third-Party Seller

In today’s hyper-competitive e-commerce landscape, simply listing products on Amazon is no longer enough to drive sales. As a third-party seller, leveraging Amazon’s powerful advertising tools is key to growing your sales and increasing product visibility. Amazon’s advertising platform offers multiple options, each designed to target different customer segments and shopping behaviors, helping sellers increase sales and improve their return on investment (ROI).

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different Amazon advertising options available to third-party sellers, how to use them effectively, and the best strategies to maximize sales growth.

Understanding Amazon’s Advertising Options

Amazon provides several advertising options for sellers, each tailored to different goals and customer behaviors:

  1. Sponsored Products: These are pay-per-click (PPC) ads that promote individual product listings on search results pages and product pages. They appear within Amazon search results, allowing your product to be prominently displayed when a customer searches for a related product.
  2. Sponsored Brands: These ads feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and a selection of products. They appear at the top of search results pages and are a great way to promote brand awareness while driving traffic to your Amazon Store or product listing page.
  3. Sponsored Display: These ads appear on and off Amazon, targeting customers who have viewed your product, similar products, or relevant categories. Sponsored Display ads help retarget potential customers, bringing them back to your product page.
  4. Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform): For sellers who want to reach a broader audience, Amazon DSP allows you to programmatically buy display, video, and audio ads across Amazon-owned and third-party sites. This is a more advanced option for sellers looking to expand their reach beyond Amazon.

Setting Clear Advertising Goals

Before launching any advertising campaign, it’s essential to establish clear goals. Are you looking to increase sales for a particular product? Do you want to boost brand awareness, or are you aiming to generate more traffic to your Amazon Store? Your goals will guide the type of campaign you should run.

Some common goals include:

  • Increasing Sales: Sponsored Products ads are effective for promoting individual listings and driving direct product sales.
  • Boosting Brand Awareness: Sponsored Brands and Amazon DSP are designed for sellers looking to grow their brand presence on and off Amazon.
  • Re-engaging Customers: Sponsored Display ads can be used to retarget customers who have viewed your product but haven’t made a purchase, encouraging them to return and complete the sale.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up an Amazon Advertising Campaign

1. Choose the Right Ad Type

To achieve sales growth, choosing the right ad type is crucial. Sponsored Products ads are ideal for promoting individual products and are typically the first step for new sellers. Sponsored Brands ads work best for brand-building campaigns, and Sponsored Display ads can help with retargeting and increasing conversions.

2. Set a Budget and Bidding Strategy

Determine how much you’re willing to spend daily on your ad campaigns. For Sponsored Products, Amazon provides suggested bids based on your product category and competition. You can choose between manual bidding, where you control your bid for each keyword, or automatic bidding, where Amazon adjusts your bids based on performance.

Pro Tip: Start with a small budget and monitor performance closely. As you gain insights into what works, you can gradually increase your ad spend.

3. Target the Right Keywords

For Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, keyword targeting is a critical factor in driving traffic to your listings. Use a combination of broad, phrase, and exact match keywords to capture a wide range of customer searches. Tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout can help you identify high-performing keywords relevant to your product.

4. Optimize Product Listings

Before driving traffic to your product pages, ensure they are optimized for conversion. High-quality images, keyword-rich product titles, detailed descriptions, and positive customer reviews are essential for converting ad clicks into sales.

Optimizing and Managing Your Ad Campaigns

Once your campaigns are live, the real work begins. Continuous optimization is the key to improving your ad performance and driving sales growth.

1. Monitor Key Metrics

Amazon provides detailed analytics for each campaign. Important metrics to track include:

  • ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales): This measures the efficiency of your ad spend. A lower ACoS means you’re spending less to generate sales.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This indicates how many people are clicking on your ad. A higher CTR means your ad is resonating with the audience.
  • Conversion Rate: This shows how many clicks are converting into sales. A higher conversion rate suggests that your product page is optimized for conversions.

2. Adjust Bids and Budgets

Regularly review your campaign data to identify underperforming keywords or ads. You can lower bids on keywords that aren’t converting and increase bids on high-performing keywords to drive more traffic. Additionally, consider pausing ads that aren’t delivering results and reallocating your budget to successful campaigns.

3. Test Different Campaign Strategies

One of the best ways to optimize your advertising efforts is through A/B testing. Test different ad copy, images, or targeting strategies to see which performs better. Sponsored Brands ads, for example, allow you to test different headlines and product combinations to determine what resonates most with your audience.

Advanced Strategies for Sales Growth

As you become more comfortable with Amazon advertising, consider these advanced strategies to further boost sales:

1. Leverage Amazon DSP for Cross-Channel Advertising

If you’re ready to expand your advertising beyond Amazon’s platform, Amazon DSP allows you to reach a broader audience through programmatic display and video ads. This is particularly useful for retargeting customers who have interacted with your brand on or off Amazon.

2. Create Targeted Product Bundles

Sponsored Products ads can be used to promote bundled products. If you sell complementary items, bundling them together can increase average order value and boost sales. Create ads that highlight the value of the bundle, offering a discount or unique combination of products.

3. Seasonal and Event-Based Campaigns

Take advantage of seasonal trends and events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Prime Day to create time-sensitive campaigns that drive urgency. During these events, shoppers are more likely to make purchases, so increasing your ad spend and focusing on high-converting keywords can help capitalize on this surge in traffic.


Amazon advertising is a powerful tool for third-party sellers to drive sales growth, increase brand visibility, and improve product rankings. By setting clear goals, choosing the right ad types, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can unlock the full potential of Amazon’s advertising platform.

Remember, success on Amazon doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a commitment to learning, testing, and refining your strategy. As you gain more insights from your campaigns, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions that fuel long-term sales growth.

By leveraging Amazon’s advertising tools effectively, third-party sellers can not only drive immediate sales but also build a sustainable business that thrives in the competitive e-commerce marketplace.