Mastering Amazon Sponsored Display Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide for Third-Party Sellers

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads offer a unique opportunity for third-party sellers to boost their product visibility and increase sales by targeting specific customer segments both on and off Amazon. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting up and optimizing Sponsored Display Ads, enabling you to maximize your return on investment.

What are Amazon Sponsored Display Ads?

Sponsored Display Ads are a self-service advertising solution that allows sellers to target customers based on shopping behaviors. These ads appear not only on Amazon but also on other websites and platforms, helping to recapture the attention of shoppers who viewed your products but did not make a purchase. This form of advertising is ideal for increasing brand awareness and driving sales by reaching customers throughout their buying journey.

Benefits of Sponsored Display Ads

  • Reach: Ads appear both on and off Amazon, broadening your potential customer base.
  • Targeting: Advanced targeting options allow you to reach customers based on their shopping activities and interests.
  • Flexibility: With no long-term commitment and the ability to adjust campaigns in real-time, you have full control over your advertising efforts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

Step 1: Eligibility and Access

To access Sponsored Display Ads, you need to be enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, have an active professional seller account, and your products must be eligible under Amazon’s advertising policies.

Step 2: Campaign Setup

Log into your Amazon Seller Central dashboard and navigate to the ‘Campaign Manager’ under the advertising tab.

Creating Your Campaign:

  • Campaign Name: Choose a unique and descriptive name for your campaign for easy identification.
  • Daily Budget: Set your daily advertising budget. It’s advisable to start small and scale up based on performance.
  • Duration: Select start and end dates for your campaign or choose to run it continuously.

Step 3: Choose Your Ad Format

Amazon offers various ad formats within Sponsored Display Ads. Select an ad format that aligns with your marketing objectives, such as product targeting or audience targeting ads.

Step 4: Targeting Options

Decide how you want to target your ads:

  • Product Targeting: Allows you to target specific products or categories.
  • Audience Targeting: Enables you to target customers based on their shopping behaviors, such as those who viewed your product but did not purchase.

Step 5: Creative and Messaging

Although Amazon automatically generates ad creatives based on the product information, you have the option to customize the headline and logo. Make sure your creatives are compelling and represent your brand effectively.

Step 6: Bidding Strategy

Set your bids for cost-per-click (CPC). You can opt for automatic bidding where Amazon adjusts your bids to maximize conversions, or manual bidding if you prefer to control the bid amounts yourself.

Step 7: Launch and Monitor

Once your campaign is ready, launch it and monitor the performance closely. Use Amazon’s detailed analytics tools to track metrics like impressions, clicks, spend, and sales.

Step 8: Optimize Your Campaigns

Based on the data collected, continually refine and optimize your campaigns. Test different targeting strategies, ad placements, and creative elements to determine what works best for your products and target audience.

Best Practices for Sponsored Display Ads

  • Continuous Testing: Always test different elements of your campaigns, from bidding strategies to ad creatives.
  • Customer Insights: Leverage Amazon’s insights to better understand customer behavior and refine your targeting.
  • Budget Management: Regularly review your ad spend to ensure it aligns with your overall marketing budget and business goals.


Amazon Sponsored Display Ads are a powerful tool for third-party sellers looking to enhance their online presence and drive more sales. By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively set up, manage, and optimize your campaigns, ensuring that your products reach the right audience at the right time. Remember, the key to successful advertising is continual optimization and adaptation based on performance data and market trends.