The Complete Guide to Amazon Sponsored Products for Third-Party Sellers

Navigating the realm of Amazon’s marketplace can be daunting for third-party sellers looking to boost their visibility and sales. One of the most effective tools at your disposal is Amazon Sponsored Products, a powerful advertising program that helps sellers promote their individual product listings directly where customers will see them. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step of setting up and optimizing Amazon Sponsored Products, ensuring you maximize your return on investment.

What Are Amazon Sponsored Products?

Amazon Sponsored Products are ads for individual product listings on Amazon. These ads help improve the visibility of your products by appearing in search results and on product pages, thus driving more traffic to your listings. Sponsored Products operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when a shopper clicks on your ad.

Benefits of Using Amazon Sponsored Products

  • Increased Visibility: Your products appear higher in search results and on competitor product pages.
  • Targeted Reach: Ads are shown to customers who are actively looking to buy, based on the keywords or products they’re searching.
  • Controlled Costs: You control how much you spend by setting your budget and choosing how much to bid per click.
  • Detailed Metrics: Amazon provides insights into how your ads are performing, allowing you to adjust strategies accordingly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Amazon Sponsored Products

Step 1: Choose Your Products

Select products that you believe will benefit most from advertising. Focus on those with the best potential for high conversion rates, such as your best sellers or those with competitive prices and excellent reviews.

Step 2: Create Your Campaign

Log into your Seller Central account and navigate to the advertising section to start a new campaign. You’ll need to:

  • Name Your Campaign: Choose a clear and descriptive name that you can easily recognize.
  • Set a Budget: Decide on a daily budget to control how much you spend on ads each day.
  • Choose a Duration: Set start and end dates for your campaign or leave it open-ended.

Step 3: Target Your Ads

You have two targeting options:

  • Automatic Targeting: Amazon targets your ads based on keywords and products similar to yours. This is great for beginners.
  • Manual Targeting: You choose the keywords or products to target. This option gives you more control and is better for experienced sellers.

Step 4: Choose Your Keywords

If you opt for manual targeting, select keywords that are relevant to your products. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Amazon’s own search terms report to find effective keywords.

Step 5: Set Your Bids

Decide how much you are willing to pay for a click on each keyword. You can set a default bid for all keywords or customize bids for individual keywords based on their potential to drive sales.

Step 6: Create Your Ad

Amazon automatically generates the ad content from the product listing you choose to promote. Ensure that your product listing is optimized with high-quality images and detailed, persuasive product descriptions.

Step 7: Launch and Monitor Your Campaign

Once everything is set up, launch your campaign. Regularly check the performance in your campaign manager and adjust your strategies as necessary. Key metrics to monitor include:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Advertising cost of sales (ACoS)
  • Total sales resulting from the ad

Best Practices for Optimizing Your Sponsored Products Ads

  • Optimize Product Listings: Before you spend money on ads, make sure your product listings are optimized. This means professional images, compelling product features, and clear descriptions.
  • Regularly Refresh Keywords: Update your keywords periodically based on performance data and market trends.
  • Adjust Bids According to Performance: Increase bids on high-performing keywords and reduce them on those that aren’t delivering results.
  • Use Negative Keywords: To avoid unnecessary costs, add negative keywords that will prevent your ad from showing up in irrelevant searches.


Amazon Sponsored Products can significantly enhance your product visibility and sales on Amazon if used correctly. By following this step-by-step guide and adhering to best practices, you can efficiently manage your PPC campaigns and achieve a substantial return on investment. Remember, success in Amazon advertising is about continuous learning and adjustment—stay proactive and keep optimizing your strategies.

How Amazon Sponsored Products Can Transform Your Business: A Comprehensive Guide

In the digital marketplace, visibility can determine the lifeblood of sales. For Amazon sellers, mastering the art of visibility through Amazon Sponsored Products ads is crucial. These ads not only boost your product visibility but also enhance your chances of driving sales by placing your products right where potential buyers are most likely to notice them. This comprehensive guide delves deep into the workings of Amazon Sponsored Products, offering you actionable insights and strategies to effectively leverage this powerful tool.

What Are Amazon Sponsored Products?

Amazon Sponsored Products are pay-per-click (PPC) ads that allow sellers to promote individual product listings on Amazon. These ads appear in search results and on product pages, providing higher visibility to items by placing them in front of customers who are actively looking to buy similar products. Sponsored Products are one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your Amazon listings, especially for new products or items in highly competitive categories.

Why Use Amazon Sponsored Products?

  1. Increased Visibility: Sponsored Products ads appear in prominent spots where they can attract the attention of potential buyers.
  2. Targeted Advertising: Ads are shown to customers based on their searches, meaning your product is advertised to those with a declared interest in similar items.
  3. Control Over Budget: You can set your budget and choose how much to spend per click, allowing for precise control over advertising costs.
  4. Improved Sales Opportunities: By boosting visibility, these ads also increase the likelihood of sales, essential for new or less-visible products.
  5. Performance Tracking: Amazon provides detailed insights into how your ads perform, allowing you to adjust strategies based on real data.

Setting Up Amazon Sponsored Products

Setting up Sponsored Products ads involves several key steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Products

Not all products are equally suited for Sponsored Products ads. Choose products that have high conversion potential, competitive pricing, good customer reviews, and appealing images.

Step 2: Keyword Research

Keywords are the backbone of any PPC campaign. Use tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, or Amazon’s own search terms report to find high-performing keywords relevant to your products. Incorporate both broad and long-tail keywords to maximize your reach.

Step 3: Setting Up the Campaign

  • Campaign Name: Choose a clear, descriptive name for your campaign to help you track its performance.
  • Daily Budget: Set a budget you are comfortable with, keeping in mind that you can adjust this as you go.
  • Targeting: Amazon offers automatic and manual targeting options. Automatic targeting allows Amazon to target keywords and products similar to yours, while manual targeting gives you control to specify which keywords to bid on.

Step 4: Creating Ad Groups

Organize your products into ad groups within your campaign. You can group them based on similarity or focus each group on a different type of keyword strategy.

Step 5: Bid Strategy

Decide on your bid strategy. Amazon suggests bid amounts based on the competitiveness of keywords, but adjusting bids based on performance over time will yield the best results.

Best Practices for Amazon Sponsored Products

  • Optimize Product Listings: Before you spend money on ads, ensure your product listings are optimized. High-quality images, compelling descriptions, and competitive pricing are crucial.
  • Review and Refine Keywords: Regularly review the performance of your keywords and refine them. Pause low-performing keywords and increase bids on high-performing ones.
  • Use Negative Keywords: To avoid wasteful spending, use negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches.
  • Monitor Your ACoS: Keep an eye on your Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) to ensure your advertising spend is profitable.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust your ad spending based on seasonality and sales trends to capitalize on higher traffic periods.


Amazon Sponsored Products can significantly enhance your product’s visibility and sales potential. By carefully setting up, managing, and optimizing your ads, you can effectively increase your product’s reach and success on Amazon. Remember, continual testing and optimization are key to finding the most effective strategies for your products.

At Marketplace Valet, we specialize in comprehensive Amazon marketing solutions, including managing Sponsored Products campaigns. If you’re looking to improve your presence and sales on Amazon, contact us today to see how we can help you navigate and succeed in the complex world of Amazon advertising