Mastering Amazon’s Inventory Performance Index (IPI): A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, efficient inventory management is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. For Amazon sellers, the Inventory Performance Index (IPI) is a key metric that can significantly impact your business operations and profitability. Understanding and optimizing your IPI score is essential for ensuring smooth inventory flow, minimizing storage costs, and maximizing sales potential. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Amazon’s IPI, exploring its components, benefits, and strategies for improvement.

What is the Inventory Performance Index (IPI)?

The Inventory Performance Index (IPI) is a metric used by Amazon to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of a seller’s inventory management. It is a composite score that reflects how well you manage your inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. The IPI score ranges from 0 to 1,000, with higher scores indicating better inventory performance. Amazon uses this score to determine your storage limits and fees, making it a critical factor in your overall business strategy.

Why is the IPI Score Important?

A high IPI score offers several benefits for Amazon sellers:

  1. Increased Storage Limits: Sellers with higher IPI scores are granted more storage space in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, allowing them to stock a wider range of products and meet customer demand more effectively.
  2. Reduced Storage Fees: Efficient inventory management reduces the likelihood of incurring long-term storage fees, which can eat into your profits. A high IPI score indicates that you are effectively managing your inventory, leading to lower storage costs.
  3. Improved Cash Flow: By optimizing your inventory levels, you can reduce excess stock and free up capital that can be reinvested in other areas of your business.
  4. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Efficient inventory management ensures that products are always in stock and available for quick shipping, leading to higher customer satisfaction and positive reviews.

Components of the IPI Score

The IPI score is calculated based on four key factors:

  1. Excess Inventory: This measures the percentage of your inventory that is considered excess, meaning it has been in storage for a long time without selling. High levels of excess inventory can negatively impact your IPI score.
  2. Sell-Through Rate: This is the ratio of units sold and shipped over a given period to the average number of units available at fulfillment centers during that same period. A higher sell-through rate indicates efficient inventory turnover and positively impacts your IPI score.
  3. Stranded Inventory: Stranded inventory refers to products that are in Amazon’s fulfillment centers but are not available for sale due to listing issues. Resolving stranded inventory quickly can improve your IPI score.
  4. In-Stock Inventory: This measures the percentage of time your products are in stock and available for purchase. Maintaining high in-stock levels ensures that you can meet customer demand and positively impacts your IPI score.

How to Improve Your IPI Score

Improving your IPI score requires a strategic approach to inventory management. Here are some practical tips and best practices to help you boost your IPI score:

1. Optimize Inventory Levels

Maintaining optimal inventory levels is crucial for improving your IPI score. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Demand Forecasting: Use historical sales data and market trends to forecast demand accurately. This will help you order the right amount of inventory and avoid overstocking or understocking.
  • Reorder Point Calculation: Determine the reorder point for each product, which is the inventory level at which you need to place a new order to avoid stockouts. This ensures that you always have enough stock to meet customer demand.
  • Safety Stock: Maintain a safety stock to buffer against unexpected spikes in demand or supply chain disruptions. This will help you avoid stockouts and maintain high in-stock levels.

2. Manage Excess Inventory

Excess inventory can negatively impact your IPI score and increase storage costs. Here are some strategies to manage excess inventory:

  • Discounts and Promotions: Offer discounts and promotions to clear out excess inventory quickly. This can help you free up storage space and improve your sell-through rate.
  • Bundling: Create product bundles to move slow-moving inventory. This can increase the perceived value of the products and encourage customers to make a purchase.
  • Liquidation: Consider liquidating excess inventory through third-party liquidation services. This can help you recover some of your investment and reduce storage costs.

3. Resolve Stranded Inventory

Stranded inventory can occur due to listing issues, such as missing or incorrect product information. Here are some steps to resolve stranded inventory:

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your inventory to identify and resolve stranded inventory issues promptly. Use Amazon’s Inventory Dashboard to monitor your inventory status.
  • Listing Optimization: Ensure that your product listings are complete and accurate. This includes providing detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and correct pricing information.
  • Automated Tools: Use automated tools and software to monitor and resolve stranded inventory issues. These tools can help you identify listing errors and take corrective actions quickly.

4. Improve Sell-Through Rate

A high sell-through rate indicates efficient inventory turnover and positively impacts your IPI score. Here are some strategies to improve your sell-through rate:

  • Competitive Pricing: Monitor your competitors’ pricing and adjust your prices accordingly to stay competitive. Use Amazon’s automated pricing tools to optimize your pricing strategy.
  • Advertising and Promotions: Invest in Amazon advertising and promotions to increase product visibility and drive sales. Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads can help you reach a wider audience.
  • Product Reviews: Encourage customers to leave positive reviews for your products. Positive reviews can boost your product’s visibility and credibility, leading to higher sales.

5. Maintain High In-Stock Levels

Maintaining high in-stock levels ensures that your products are always available for purchase, leading to higher customer satisfaction and improved IPI scores. Here are some strategies to maintain high in-stock levels:

  • Inventory Alerts: Set up inventory alerts to notify you when stock levels are low. This will help you reorder products in a timely manner and avoid stockouts.
  • Supplier Relationships: Build strong relationships with your suppliers to ensure timely and reliable deliveries. This will help you maintain consistent stock levels and meet customer demand.
  • Diversified Suppliers: Work with multiple suppliers to reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions. This will help you maintain a steady supply of products and avoid stockouts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes can help you maintain a high IPI score and ensure efficient inventory management. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

1. Overstocking

Overstocking can lead to high storage costs and negatively impact your IPI score. Avoid ordering excessive quantities of products without accurate demand forecasting. Use historical sales data and market trends to make informed purchasing decisions.

2. Ignoring Stranded Inventory

Ignoring stranded inventory can result in lost sales opportunities and negatively impact your IPI score. Regularly monitor your inventory status and resolve listing issues promptly to ensure that all your products are available for sale.

3. Inconsistent Reordering

Inconsistent reordering can lead to stockouts and negatively impact your IPI score. Establish a consistent reordering process based on accurate demand forecasting and reorder point calculations. This will help you maintain optimal inventory levels and meet customer demand.

4. Neglecting Product Listings

Neglecting product listings can result in stranded inventory and lost sales opportunities. Ensure that your product listings are complete, accurate, and optimized for search visibility. Regularly update your listings to reflect any changes in product information or pricing.

5. Failing to Monitor Performance

Failing to monitor your inventory performance can result in missed opportunities for improvement. Regularly review your IPI score and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and take corrective actions promptly.


The Inventory Performance Index (IPI) is a critical metric for Amazon sellers, impacting storage limits, fees, and overall business performance. By understanding the components of the IPI score and implementing effective inventory management strategies, you can improve your IPI score, reduce costs, and maximize sales potential.

Remember to optimize your inventory levels, manage excess inventory, resolve stranded inventory, improve your sell-through rate, and maintain high in-stock levels. Avoid common mistakes such as overstocking, ignoring stranded inventory, inconsistent reordering, neglecting product listings, and failing to monitor performance.

By mastering your IPI score, you can ensure efficient inventory management, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve long-term success on Amazon. Happy selling! 🚀