As an Amazon third-party seller, leveraging Sponsored Brands ads can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and drive more sales. Sponsored Brands ads, formerly known as Headline Search Ads, offer a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their logo, a custom headline, and multiple products, appearing in more prominent positions on Amazon’s search results pages. This guide provides a comprehensive overview for beginners on how to create and optimize Sponsored Brands ads effectively.

Understanding Sponsored Brands Ads

Sponsored Brands ads are designed to help customers discover and engage with your brand as they shop on Amazon. These ads are displayed across Amazon’s desktop and mobile web and mobile app interfaces, providing high visibility. They can appear above, alongside, or below search results, giving sellers the opportunity to capture customer interest right at the start of their shopping journey.

Benefits of Sponsored Brands Ads

  1. Increased Visibility: These ads place your brand front and center, increasing awareness among potential customers.
  2. Enhanced Engagement: By linking directly to your custom brand store or a curated product list page, these ads drive deeper engagement with your product portfolio.
  3. Flexibility: You have the freedom to customize the headline, select which products to advertise, and design the layout of your ad.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Sponsored Brands Ads

Step 1: Eligibility and Access First, ensure that you are eligible to run Sponsored Brands ads. You must be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry, which requires a registered and active text or image-based trademark.

Step 2: Campaign Setup

  • Navigate to Campaign Manager: Log in to your Amazon Seller Central and select the ‘Campaign Manager’ under the advertising tab.
  • Create New Campaign: Choose ‘Sponsored Brands’ and begin the campaign creation process.

Step 3: Designing Your Ad

  • Select Products: Choose up to three products you want to highlight in your ad. It’s crucial to select products that are best sellers or new and notable offerings that can attract customers.
  • Craft Your Headline: Write a compelling headline that encapsulates your brand message. This should be engaging and direct, clearly explaining the value of your products.
  • Upload Your Logo: Your brand logo should be high-resolution and recognizable, fostering brand recall.

Step 4: Targeting and Keywords

  • Keyword Strategy: Opt for keywords that are highly relevant to the products you are advertising. Utilize tools like Amazon’s keyword planner or third-party tools such as Helium 10 to research effective keywords.
  • Choose Match Types: Decide between broad, phrase, or exact match types depending on how broad or narrow you want your audience targeting to be.

Step 5: Budgeting and Bidding

  • Set Your Daily Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend each day. It’s advisable to start with a moderate budget and adjust based on campaign performance.
  • Bid Strategically: Place competitive bids on high-value keywords to ensure your ads are seen by potential buyers.

Step 6: Monitoring and Optimization

  • Track Performance: Use Amazon’s campaign performance metrics to monitor how your ads are performing. Key metrics include impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and sales.
  • Optimize Continuously: Refine your campaigns based on performance data. This may involve adjusting bids, adding new keywords, pausing low-performing keywords, or tweaking your ad creative.

Best Practices for Sponsored Brands Ads

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your ads reflect your brand’s visual identity and messaging consistently across all channels.
  • Customer-Centric Messaging: Focus on how your products can solve customer problems or improve their lives.
  • Test and Learn: Continuously test different variations of your ads to understand what works best in terms of messaging, keyword targeting, and product selection.


For beginner third-party sellers on Amazon, Sponsored Brands ads offer a powerful tool to build brand awareness and drive conversions. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you can start creating effective ad campaigns that not only highlight your products but also build a lasting connection with your target audience. Remember, success in Amazon advertising is about continuous learning and adapting, so keep refining your strategies to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

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