As an Amazon seller, understanding the various fees associated with selling on the platform is crucial for maintaining profitability and ensuring the long-term success of your business. Amazon’s fee structure can be complex, but with a clear understanding and accurate calculations, you can manage your costs effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the different types of Amazon seller fees and provide you with detailed instructions on how to calculate them.

Why Understanding Amazon Seller Fees is Important

Amazon offers a vast marketplace with millions of potential customers, but this comes at a cost. Knowing how to calculate and manage these fees is essential for:

  • Pricing Your Products Correctly: Ensuring your prices cover all costs and still provide a profit margin.
  • Budgeting and Financial Planning: Accurately forecasting your expenses and revenues.
  • Maximizing Profitability: Identifying areas where you can reduce costs and increase profits.

Types of Amazon Seller Fees

Amazon charges several types of fees, each with its own calculation method. Here are the primary fees you need to be aware of:

1. Referral Fees

Referral fees are charged as a percentage of the total sales price, including shipping and gift wrap charges. The percentage varies by category, typically ranging from 6% to 45%, with most categories around 15%.

Example Calculation:

  • Product Price: $50
  • Shipping Fee: $5
  • Referral Fee Percentage: 15%

Referral Fee = ($50 + $5) * 15% = $8.25

2. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Fees

If you use Amazon’s FBA service, you’ll incur additional fees for storage and fulfillment. These fees include:

  • Fulfillment Fees: Based on the size and weight of the item.
  • Monthly Storage Fees: Charged per cubic foot of storage space used.

Example Calculation:

  • Product Size: Standard
  • Product Weight: 1 lb
  • Fulfillment Fee: $2.50
  • Monthly Storage Fee: $0.75 per cubic foot

If you store 10 cubic feet of inventory for a month, the storage fee would be 10 * $0.75 = $7.50.

3. Closing Fees

For media products (books, DVDs, etc.), Amazon charges a fixed closing fee of $1.80 per item sold.

Example Calculation:

  • Number of Items Sold: 10
  • Closing Fee per Item: $1.80

Total Closing Fee = 10 * $1.80 = $18.00

4. Subscription Fees

Professional sellers pay a monthly subscription fee of $39.99, which allows them to list an unlimited number of products. Individual sellers do not pay this fee but are charged $0.99 per item sold.

Example Calculation for Professional Seller:

  • Monthly Subscription Fee: $39.99

Example Calculation for Individual Seller:

  • Number of Items Sold: 50
  • Fee per Item: $0.99

Total Fee = 50 * $0.99 = $49.50

5. High-Volume Listing Fees

For sellers with more than 100,000 active listings, Amazon charges a high-volume listing fee of $0.005 per listing per month.

Example Calculation:

  • Number of Listings: 150,000
  • Fee per Listing: $0.005

Total Fee = (150,000 – 100,000) * $0.005 = $250

How to Calculate Amazon Seller Fees

To accurately calculate your Amazon seller fees, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine Your Selling Plan

Decide whether you will use the Individual or Professional selling plan. This will affect your subscription fees and per-item fees.

Step 2: Identify Your Product Category

Different categories have different referral fee percentages. Check Amazon’s fee schedule to find the exact percentage for your product category.

Step 3: Calculate Referral Fees

Use the formula:

Referral Fee = (Product Price + Shipping Fee) * Referral Fee Percentage

Step 4: Calculate FBA Fees (if applicable)

Check the FBA fee schedule for your product’s size and weight. Add the fulfillment fee and storage fee.

Step 5: Calculate Closing Fees (if applicable)

For media products, multiply the number of items sold by the closing fee per item.

Step 6: Add Subscription Fees

If you are a Professional seller, add the monthly subscription fee. If you are an Individual seller, multiply the number of items sold by the per-item fee.

Step 7: Calculate High-Volume Listing Fees (if applicable)

If you have more than 100,000 active listings, calculate the high-volume listing fee.

Step 8: Sum All Fees

Add up all the fees calculated in the previous steps to get the total Amazon seller fees.

Example Calculation

Let’s walk through an example for a Professional seller using FBA:

  • Product Price: $50
  • Shipping Fee: $5
  • Referral Fee Percentage: 15%
  • Product Size: Standard
  • Product Weight: 1 lb
  • Fulfillment Fee: $2.50
  • Monthly Storage Fee: $0.75 per cubic foot
  • Number of Items Sold: 100
  • Storage Space Used: 10 cubic feet

Referral Fee = ($50 + $5) * 15% = $8.25

Fulfillment Fee = $2.50 per item * 100 items = $250

Storage Fee = 10 cubic feet * $0.75 = $7.50

Subscription Fee = $39.99

Total Fees = (Referral Fee * 100) + Fulfillment Fee + Storage Fee + Subscription Fee
= ($8.25 * 100) + $250 + $7.50 + $39.99
= $825 + $250 + $7.50 + $39.99
= $1122.49

Tips for Managing Amazon Seller Fees

  1. Optimize Your Pricing: Ensure your product prices cover all fees and still provide a profit margin.
  2. Monitor Your Inventory: Avoid long-term storage fees by managing your inventory levels effectively.
  3. Use Amazon’s Fee Calculators: Utilize tools like the Amazon FBA Calculator to estimate fees before listing products.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with any changes in Amazon’s fee structure.
  5. Consider Alternatives: Evaluate whether using FBA or fulfilling orders yourself (FBM) is more cost-effective for your business.


Understanding and accurately calculating Amazon seller fees is essential for maintaining profitability and ensuring the success of your business. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can manage your costs effectively and make informed decisions about your pricing and inventory strategies. Remember to stay informed about any changes in Amazon’s fee structure and continuously optimize your operations to maximize your profits.

For more tips and resources on managing your Amazon seller account, subscribe to our blog and stay updated with the latest insights in e-commerce.

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