Maintaining a low Order Defect Rate (ODR) is critical for any Amazon seller aiming for long-term success. The ODR is one of Amazon’s key performance metrics that directly impacts your account health, search rankings, and eligibility for the Buy Box. Amazon takes this metric very seriously—if your ODR exceeds 1%, you risk account suspension or even termination. Therefore, understanding how to minimize your ODR is essential for protecting your business and optimizing your performance on the platform.

This post will explore practical strategies for reducing your ODR, covering the root causes of defects, and offering actionable solutions to enhance customer satisfaction, manage returns effectively, and keep your account in good standing.

What is Amazon’s Order Defect Rate (ODR)?

The Order Defect Rate is a performance metric Amazon uses to measure the percentage of orders with negative outcomes relative to the total orders processed. It reflects how well you manage your customers’ expectations and experiences, encompassing several key factors:

  1. Negative Feedback: This includes negative product reviews and seller feedback. Amazon considers both aspects when calculating the ODR, as they indicate dissatisfaction with either the product or the service.
  2. A-to-Z Guarantee Claims: Customers can file an A-to-Z claim when they are dissatisfied with their purchase or if the product fails to arrive. Claims that are not resolved in the seller’s favor negatively affect the ODR.
  3. Credit Card Chargebacks: A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a charge with their credit card provider. If the dispute is resolved against the seller, it increases the ODR.

Understanding these components is the first step in addressing and lowering your ODR. Now, let’s explore strategies to manage and reduce these factors effectively.

1. Maintain Accurate and Detailed Product Listings

One of the most common causes of negative feedback and A-to-Z claims is customer dissatisfaction with the product due to inaccurate or misleading listings. It’s crucial to create product descriptions that are clear, accurate, and comprehensive.

Tips for Optimizing Product Listings:

  • Use High-Quality Images: Include multiple high-resolution images that show the product from different angles, highlighting key features. This helps customers understand what they are buying and sets clear expectations.
  • Write Clear and Detailed Descriptions: Include information on size, materials, and usage instructions. The more detailed the information, the fewer misunderstandings and complaints.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Avoid exaggerating the benefits or features of the product. Be honest about what your product can and cannot do to prevent customers from feeling misled.

By maintaining accurate product listings, you reduce the likelihood of customer dissatisfaction, negative reviews, and return requests.

2. Improve Product Quality Control

Product defects are a common cause of returns, negative feedback, and A-to-Z claims. Ensuring that your products meet quality standards before they reach customers is vital to maintaining a low ODR.

Steps for Improving Quality Control:

  • Conduct Regular Quality Checks: Work with your suppliers to implement regular quality checks throughout the production process. Inspect products for defects, packaging issues, and functionality before they are shipped to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
  • Order Samples Before Large Shipments: When working with a new supplier or launching a new product, order a sample batch before committing to a large shipment. This helps you verify the quality and identify any issues that may need addressing.
  • Use Reliable Suppliers: Partner with suppliers who have a track record of delivering high-quality products. Vet suppliers carefully and choose those who adhere to quality standards and provide detailed product specifications.

By investing in quality control measures, you minimize the chances of customers receiving defective products, which helps keep your ODR low.

3. Optimize Packaging and Shipping

Poor packaging and shipping issues can lead to damaged products, delayed deliveries, and unsatisfied customers—factors that directly impact your ODR. Ensuring that your products are well-packaged and shipped on time can help reduce these risks.

Tips for Optimizing Packaging and Shipping:

  • Invest in Sturdy Packaging: Make sure your products are packed securely to prevent damage during shipping. Use protective materials like bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or custom-fit boxes to safeguard your products.
  • Choose Reliable Shipping Partners: If you’re managing fulfillment yourself (FBM), work with trusted shipping carriers that offer reliable and fast delivery options. Delays in delivery can lead to negative feedback and A-to-Z claims.
  • Use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): If possible, use Amazon’s FBA service for fulfillment. Amazon’s logistics network is optimized for efficiency, which reduces the risk of delays and ensures quick delivery times.

By prioritizing secure packaging and reliable shipping, you can prevent many of the issues that contribute to a high ODR.

4. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Customer service plays a critical role in maintaining a low ODR. When customers feel heard and valued, they are more likely to leave positive feedback or allow you the opportunity to resolve issues before they escalate to A-to-Z claims or chargebacks.

Best Practices for Providing Excellent Customer Service:

  • Respond Promptly to Inquiries: Amazon expects sellers to respond to customer messages within 24 hours. Responding promptly shows that you care about the customer experience and can help resolve issues before they escalate.
  • Handle Complaints Professionally: If a customer is unhappy, listen to their concerns and offer a solution, such as a refund, replacement, or discount on their next purchase. Resolving issues quickly and professionally can prevent negative feedback and claims.
  • Proactively Reach Out After Sales: Follow up with customers after the sale to ensure they are satisfied with their purchase. This simple gesture shows that you value their feedback and gives you the opportunity to address any concerns before they leave a review.

5. Monitor and Address Negative Feedback Promptly

Negative feedback impacts your ODR and can damage your seller reputation. Monitoring your feedback and taking action promptly is essential for maintaining a low defect rate.

How to Monitor and Address Feedback:

  • Set Up Alerts for Feedback: Set up notifications in your Seller Central account to receive alerts when a customer leaves feedback. This allows you to respond quickly to negative comments.
  • Resolve Issues and Request Feedback Removal: When you receive negative feedback, contact the customer to understand their concerns and offer a solution. If you successfully resolve the issue, you can politely ask the customer to remove or update their feedback.
  • Report Violating Feedback: If you receive feedback that violates Amazon’s policies (e.g., contains abusive language or personal information), you can request its removal through Seller Central. This helps protect your rating and maintain a healthy ODR.

6. Use the Request a Review Button Wisely

Amazon’s Request a Review button is a powerful tool for soliciting feedback and reviews without violating Amazon’s policies. By requesting reviews from satisfied customers, you can increase the number of positive reviews and balance out any negative feedback, improving your overall rating.

Best Practices for Using the Request a Review Button:

  • Time Your Requests Appropriately: Make sure you send the request when the customer has had enough time to receive and use the product. This increases the likelihood of positive feedback.
  • Focus on Orders with No Issues: Only use the Request a Review button for orders where everything went smoothly. Avoid requesting reviews from customers who reported issues with their orders, as this could result in negative feedback.

By using this feature effectively, you can generate more positive feedback and help reduce the impact of any defects that do occur.

7. Monitor Your Account Metrics Regularly

Staying proactive about your ODR and other performance metrics is key to maintaining a healthy account. Regular monitoring helps you identify patterns or issues before they become significant problems.

Tips for Monitoring Your Account Health:

  • Check Your Performance Metrics in Seller Central: Regularly review your ODR and other performance indicators in Amazon Seller Central. Pay attention to any spikes in negative feedback, A-to-Z claims, or chargebacks.
  • Set Up Performance Alerts: Amazon allows you to set up alerts for performance metrics. Set these alerts to notify you if your ODR approaches Amazon’s 1% threshold, so you can take action immediately.
  • Review Product-Specific Data: If certain products consistently receive negative feedback, investigate whether the issues are related to product quality, packaging, or customer expectations.

Monitoring your metrics regularly ensures that you stay on top of your performance and can take corrective action when needed.

8. Implement a Robust Returns Management System

Returns are a part of any e-commerce business, but managing them efficiently can help mitigate the impact they have on your ODR. A well-structured returns process can improve customer satisfaction and prevent negative feedback.

Steps for Effective Returns Management:

  • Make the Returns Process Easy for Customers: Ensure that your return policy is clear and easy to follow. An uncomplicated return process reduces customer frustration and increases the likelihood of positive feedback.
  • Handle Returns Promptly: Process returns quickly and communicate with the customer throughout the process. Keeping them informed shows that you care about their experience and are working to resolve the issue.
  • Analyze Return Reasons: Review why customers are returning products. If certain issues come up frequently, address them by improving product quality, packaging, or listing accuracy.


Reducing your Order Defect Rate on Amazon is essential for maintaining a healthy account and driving business growth. By following these strategies—ranging from optimizing product listings and quality control to enhancing customer service and monitoring your metrics—you can keep your ODR low and maintain a strong seller performance. Remember, the key to success on Amazon is proactive management and continuous improvement. By staying attentive to customer feedback and acting on insights from your VOC data, you can build a thriving business on Amazon’s platform.

If you need further assistance managing your Amazon business and reducing your ODR, Marketplace Valet is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your journey to success on Amazon.

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