How Amazon Sellers Can Get More Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, product reviews are crucial. They not only influence potential buyers but also play a significant role in Amazon’s search algorithm. More positive reviews can lead to higher rankings, increased visibility, and ultimately, more sales. However, getting those reviews can be challenging, especially with Amazon’s strict policies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective and compliant strategies to help Amazon sellers get more reviews in 2024.

Understanding Amazon’s Review Policies
Before diving into strategies, it’s essential to understand Amazon’s review policies. Amazon has stringent rules to prevent fake reviews and maintain the integrity of its platform. Violating these policies can result in severe penalties, including account suspension. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

No Incentivized Reviews: Offering free products, discounts, or any other incentives in exchange for reviews is strictly prohibited.
No Review Swaps: Engaging in review swaps with other sellers is against Amazon’s policies.
Honest and Unbiased: Reviews must be honest and unbiased. Any attempt to manipulate reviews is prohibited.
Understanding and adhering to these policies is crucial for maintaining a healthy Amazon account and avoiding penalties.

Optimizing Your Product Listings
A well-optimized product listing can significantly increase the likelihood of receiving reviews. Here are some tips to optimize your listings:

  1. High-Quality Images
    High-quality images are essential for attracting buyers. Ensure your images are clear, high-resolution, and showcase your product from multiple angles. Include lifestyle images that show the product in use, as this helps potential buyers visualize how they might use it.
  2. Compelling Product Titles
    Your product title should be clear, concise, and include relevant keywords. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can make your title look spammy. Instead, focus on creating a title that accurately describes your product and its key features.
  3. Detailed Product Descriptions
    A detailed product description helps buyers understand what they are purchasing. Highlight the key features, benefits, and specifications of your product. Use bullet points for easy readability and include relevant keywords to improve search visibility.
  4. Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)
    If you’re a brand-registered seller, take advantage of Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). EBC allows you to create visually appealing product descriptions with images, videos, and comparison charts. This can help increase conversion rates and encourage more reviews.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service
Exceptional customer service can turn satisfied customers into loyal reviewers. Here are some tips to provide top-notch customer service:

  1. Prompt Responses
    Respond to customer inquiries and concerns promptly. Quick and helpful responses can leave a positive impression and increase the likelihood of receiving a review.
  2. Address Negative Feedback
    Address negative feedback professionally and promptly. Offer solutions to resolve the issue and show that you value customer satisfaction. This can turn a negative experience into a positive one and potentially lead to a revised review.

Utilizing Amazon’s Request a Review Button
Amazon’s “Request a Review” button is a powerful tool for sellers. This feature allows you to send a review request to customers directly from the order details page. Here are some best practices for using this feature:

  1. Timing is Key
    Timing is crucial when requesting reviews. Send the request a few days after the product has been delivered, giving customers enough time to use the product. Avoid sending the request too soon or too late.
  2. Personalize Your Request
    While the “Request a Review” button sends a standardized message, you can still personalize your follow-up emails. Mention the customer’s name and reference their purchase to make the request feel more personal.
  3. Be Polite and Respectful
    Always be polite and respectful in your review requests. Avoid being pushy or demanding, as this can deter customers from leaving a review.

Leveraging Social Media and Influencers
Social media and influencers can be powerful tools for generating reviews. Here’s how to leverage them effectively:

  1. Build a Social Media Presence
    Build a strong social media presence for your brand. Engage with your audience, share valuable content, and promote your products. Encourage your followers to leave reviews by showcasing customer testimonials and reviews on your social media platforms.
  2. Collaborate with Influencers
    Collaborate with influencers in your niche to promote your products. Influencers can provide authentic reviews and reach a broader audience. Ensure that any collaboration complies with Amazon’s policies and guidelines.
  3. Run Social Media Campaigns
    Run social media campaigns to encourage reviews. For example, you can create a hashtag campaign where customers share their experiences with your product and leave a review. Offer a chance to be featured on your social media pages as an incentive.

Using Product Inserts
Product inserts are a subtle yet effective way to remind customers to leave a review. Here are some tips for using product inserts:

  1. Keep it Simple
    Keep your product insert simple and to the point. Include a thank you message, a reminder to leave a review, and contact information for customer support.
  2. Provide Value
    Provide value to your customers through your product insert. For example, you can include a discount code for their next purchase or a link to a helpful guide related to your product.
  3. Comply with Amazon’s Policies
    Ensure that your product insert complies with Amazon’s policies. Avoid offering incentives in exchange for reviews and focus on providing a positive customer experience.

Running Promotions and Giveaways
Promotions and giveaways can help increase your review count, but they must be done ethically and in compliance with Amazon’s policies. Here are some tips:

  1. Offer Discounts
    Offer discounts on your products to attract more buyers. More sales can lead to more reviews. Ensure that your discount promotions comply with Amazon’s pricing policies.
  2. Run Giveaways
    Run giveaways to generate excitement and attract new customers. Use social media platforms to promote your giveaways and encourage participants to leave a review after receiving the product.
  3. Use Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program
    If you’re launching a new product, consider enrolling it in Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program. This program encourages customers to leave reviews by offering a small reward (provided by Amazon) for their feedback.

Getting more reviews on Amazon requires a combination of strategies, from optimizing your product listings to providing exceptional customer service. By understanding and adhering to Amazon’s review policies, leveraging social media and influencers, using product inserts, and running ethical promotions, you can increase your review count and boost your sales in 2024.

Remember, the key to success is providing a positive customer experience and building trust with your buyers. Happy selling!

About Marketplace Valet

Marketplace Valet is your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of e-commerce. We offer comprehensive solutions to help you optimize your Amazon business, from listing optimization to customer service and beyond. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your e-commerce goals.

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Website: Marketplace Valet

A Few Things Every Marketplace Seller Needs to Know about Amazon's FBA Small and Light (SnL) Fulfillment Service

Recently, Amazon launched a Fulfillment service for their marketplaces sellers whose products are typically not ideal for standard Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).  These items are typically small, light weight, and generally lower priced items. 


For example, a tooth brush, an inexpensive iPhone case, a paint brush, a deck of playing cards, a pencil set,… you get the picture. These are items that due to their low sale price often end up as an “Add-on Item” (meaning that the Prime member will need to spend at least $25 in order to be able to purchase the item with their Prime membership). 


Also, FBA Prime and Amazon Fees will absorb most of the sale anyway.  For a 2 ounce item that sells for $5, FBA Prime fees plus Amazon Referral fees would cost approximately $3.70.  Given the same scenario for FBA SnL, FBA SnL Fees + Amazon Referral fees would only be about $2.90 or so.  May not seem like a big difference at first, but it is about a 20% savings. 



OK, here is what you need to know about Amazon FBA multi channel fulfillment:


The Upside:

1.  FBA SnL is about 20% cheaper than FBA Prime

2.  FBA SnL will win the Buy Box over a non-FBA seller (provided that both listings are eligible for the Buy Box).

3.  If you are not a Featured Seller (perhaps you are a new seller or have been hit with a bad ODR), using FBA SnL will make you featured (eligible for the Buy Box) for that particular ASIN.

4.  Free Shipping will apply even to customers who do not have an Amazon Prime subscription.

5.  Amazon will handle the customer service (this could be looked at as a negative, depending on your view of Amazon’s acting on your behalf for customer service)


The Downside :

1.  Because your listing is not Prime, it is not eligible for Same Day and 2 Day shipping, which may be a big turn off for some customers.

2.  The minimum pieces of product per SKU that you can send is between 30 and 50 pieces. 

3.  You may have to sticker your products, even if they already contain a bar code (pretty redundant, inefficient, and unnecessary if you ask me).

4.  Fulfillment to other marketplaces like eBay, NewEgg, Rakuten, your own website, etc… is $5.95. Ouch!

Amazon's Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order Fees


5. Long Term Storage fees just went up for the Amazon SnL program:


Marketplace Valet  will not only beat Amazon’s price, but we will list your products, fulfill your orders, and handle the customer service too. And not just Amazon, but eBay, international Amazon sites, Rakuten,,, and more. If you need ecommerce fulfillment for your website, we can take care of that, too.


We can also manager your Amazon Advertising, Translate your listings to another language, create professional images for your products, protect your brand on Amazon,  write SEO copy for your title, features, descriptions, etc. You also get a dedicated Account Manager, too (see our home page for more details). No customer is too small and we love working with emerging brands!


Fun Fact: Amazon currently uses only one SnL Fulfillment Center, located in Hebron, Kentucky. They opened this facility in Q4 of 2015. In Q2 of 2015, Amazon’s FBA SnL team toured our warehouse and took pictures and notes of our Small and Light logistics facility. Just saying…


Final thoughts: Amazon SnL is a great, cost effective service if you only sell your products on If you are thinking omni-channel, diversification, and selling way beyond, you really need to consider Marketplace Valet. 


You do what you are best at, whether it is creating a brand, sourcing goods, or E-Commerce, and leave the rest to Marketplace Valet. We make sure your brand of products are available on all top marketplaces, we fulfill the orders, we handle the customer service, and we send you the profits. 


We are like the intersection of services you’d get from Channel Advisor and FBA, except an all in one solution at a lower cost. Contact us today for an evaluation.  Give us a few minutes, and we promise it will be worth your time.