Has it been a while since you updated your ecommerce platform?
Do you feel like you’ve seen a plateau in your conversions lately?
Are you just unsure about the effectiveness and creativity of your current digital marketing plan?
If so, there’s no time like the new year to make a change for the better. In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about some of the hottest digital marketing trends out there — and how you can make them work for your brand.
1. Video Content Will Continue To Reign Supreme
One of the top marketing trends that really took off in 2017, and doesn’t plan on going anywhere in the new year?
First of all, video gives you the opportunity to show off the specific features of your product (like that awesome LED light or how perfectly something folds for storage.) In a world where people are increasingly shopping online, video content helps you to replicate the in-store experience as much as possible.
It’s also highly shareable on social media.
While we all love reading hilarious listicles and use how-to guides to help us figure out the installation process of our latest purchase, sometimes, video content just works better for what you’re trying to market or explain.
Plus, in today’s busy world, people are much more likely to watch a 20-second video than read a long-form article. They can even multitask while watching your clip — kind of tough to do when reading a blog post.
One of the biggest aspects of video content for the new year?
Going live.
This not only helps you to become more transparent and trustworthy to your target market, but it also shows that you’re not afraid of things like live Q & A sessions. It proves to viewers that you have confidence in your product/services, and that you value their opinions, as well.
2. Chat Boxes
Next up on our list of the biggest marketing trends for the new year? Live chatboxes, usually AI-based, that pop up on your website the minute a new visitor arrives there.
First of all, these chat windows are the perfect way to communicate the importance of customer service right out of the gate. They make it easy for potential customers to get answers to their questions, increasing the likelihood that they’ll actually make that purchase.
But that’s not all.
Chat boxes allow you to clandestinely lead your site visitors through a sales funnel. In other words, they make it easier for them to take the actions you want them to take.
That action might be making a purchase, or it might be geared towards things like signing up for an e-newsletter or leaving an online review about their shopping experience.
One final benefit?
These chat boxes can seriously cut down on the number of customer complaint and question calls and messages you receive throughout the day. Now, you can spend more time actually working at work.
3. Re-Marketing Campaigns
Re-marketing is one of the most effective marketing trends out there when it comes to increasing your conversions and even getting more likes on your social media accounts.
But what exactly is it?
With the holidays not far behind us, we’re sure that there were quite a few times that you placed items in your cart. You liked these items and thought they’d make a great gift for someone on your list.
But for whatever reason, whether it’s because you forgot or because you sensed your boss looking over your shoulder at work, you never ended up completing that purchase.
You’re scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds a few hours later, and suddenly you see a picture and description of that same product. This ad jogs your memory, and you immediately go back and complete your purchase.
That’s re-marketing in a nutshell — and we’re willing to bet you plan to do more of it in 2018.
4. Personalized Content
Relax — we don’t expect you to create a blog post or product that’s personalized to every one of your visitors.
We don’t even mean that you need to drop a hand-written note inside all of your packages (although of course, that would be nice.)
Instead, personalized content means that you use the data you’ve collected about your website visitors and your client’s buying history to show them the ads, products, and content that are the most in sync with their needs and wants.
You might have also heard this process referred to as “segmentation.”
It means that you need to break your overall market up into as many smaller groups as possible. These groups could be based on age, time of buying, the types of products purchased, and even geographic location.
You send each of these “segments” a tailored campaign or posting that’s filled with content that is the most likely to make them convert.
5. Mobile-Friendliness Is A Must
It’s official now — more people shop on mobile devices than on desktop computers.
This means that, if your ecommerce shop or company website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re going to miss out on an enormous portion of your potential customers — and potential profits.
One way to fix this?
Start by removing any autoplay options from your page, eliminate any pop-up ads, and even shrink the size of larger images on your homepage.
Not sure where your site currently stands on mobile-friendliness?
Use this free tool to help you assess things.
Which Of These Marketing Trends Will You Try?
Thanks to the ideas in this post, you’ll start the new year off right by creating digital strategies that are based on the most up-to-the-minute marketing trends.
Be aware, though, that implementing these trends will lead to a serious boom in your business.
Are you really equipped to handle that influx all on your own?
If you’re not sure, we’re here to help.
Spend some time on our website to learn more about how our ecommerce, multi-channel, and other types of fulfillment services and assistance can ensure that as your brand grows, your customers don’t get left behind.
When you’re ready to take your business to the next level, get in touch with us.